Board of Directors

Chioma Deere, Esq., CEDS
Chioma is Of Counsel with Williams, Leininger, & Cosby, P.A., trial lawyers representing insurance companies, business and government agencies in various types of commercial litigation. For the past 10 years, in her commercial litigation practice, Chioma employs her deep technology and litigation experience to serve clients with e-discovery project management and electronic discovery. Chioma’s practice also includes managing projects as a Special Master or Special Magistrate, co-counsel, and consultant related to ESI and electronic discovery. Chioma earned the Certified Electronic Discovery Specialist (CEDS) designation from the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists. Chioma is a member of Women in eDiscovery, Miami Chapter, Palm Beach County Bar, Broward Bar, and Federal Bar Associations.

Elayne Mozen
Director at Large
Elayne Mozen studied at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She obtained her paralegal certificate while working at General Motors in the legal department. Elayne joined the Tyco (now Johnson Controls) litigation department in 2008 where she continues to work on a myriad of litigation cases and special projects. Elayne also acts a company liaison between corporate executives, outside counsel, third-party administrators and all levels of corporate personnel. Elayne currently works as the Senior Litigation Paralegal.